The government campaign EUCountry provides information about 6 basic European values, reveals the practical meaning of European integration and the advantages and opportunities that appear in the lives of Ukrainians thanks to the integration of our country into the EU. The EUCountry campaign is supported by the Representation of the European Union in Ukraine.
European integration
«Зірка EUKраїна» відзначає найактивніші та відповідальні державні органи – учасники кампанії EUК
Символізує українську літеру Ї, де зірки замінюють крапки, як частину прапора ЄС. 28 шарів статуї символізують 27 членів ЄС і Україну як потенційного члена
У сертифікаті пояснюється, який державний орган нагороджується

01is the source of all human rights and freedoms. Ukrainians understand this very well, which is why the 2014 Euromaidan was also called the Revolution of Dignity. Respect for human dignity has many dimensions. This is also a medical reform so that Ukrainians receive proper medical care. And electronic government services so that you don't have to stand in queues. And decent working conditions and social protection of the vulnerable population. And even normal toilets in schools.
02it is the ability of a person to independently make choices and make decisions that affect his life or the life of society. An integral component of freedom is the right to security. Therefore, freedom is not only the free expression of one's thoughts or protection from unjustified detention. It is also the protection of personal data, quality roads and comfortable transport (the right to road safety), foreign educational programs (the right to study) and freedom of movement.
03is the influence of citizens on state management. Therefore, it is responsibility and transparency of government actions, laws that reflect the interests of society, and taking into account the opinion of citizens when the government makes important decisions. In practice, this is implemented through e-governance (for example, the "Diya" application, which provides convenient access to government services), decentralization, which increases the opportunities of communities or the ability to influence authorities through the activities of public organizations, petitions, actions.
04prohibits any discrimination on any grounds. Special attention is paid to equality between men and women, including in labor rights. In everyday life, equality means intolerance to corruption (because corruption occurs when an official uses his official position for his own benefit, which contradicts the idea of equality of all citizens), energy efficiency of housing (regardless of wealth, people should live in warm homes), opportunities for people with disability to be full members of society, and for women - to have the same rights as men.
05means that decisions in the state are made in accordance with established rules and procedures. It also requires an impartial justice system that resolves disputes fairly, regardless of a person's property, social or other status. The embodiment of the rule of law is the reform of the courts and the law enforcement system, equal opportunities for different people to defend themselves in court. And the main thing is that there are uniform rules and laws for everyone, without exception.
06recognition that all people are born free and equal in their rights. These rights cover different areas. The right to have decent working conditions - regardless of gender, skin color or religion. The right to receive quality medical services. The right to freely dispose of one's property. It is also the right to a clean environment and to protect oneself as a consumer of various goods and services.