In the EU accession negotiation process, no negotiating position can be formed without the participation of the Parliament, – Olha Stefanishyna

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In the process of negotiations on EU accession, no negotiating stance on the part of the Ukrainian side can be formed without the participation of the Parliament. This was emphasized by Olha Stefanishyna, Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine, during her speech at the panel discussion at the conference “The Role of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the Path to Ukraine’s Full Membership in the European Union”.

The Deputy Prime Minister thanked the MPs for their work and the adoption of the necessary bills on the path to EU membership.

“The Parliament has already played a historic role in the fact that we have the ability to open the negotiation process in the most difficult times for our country. The Parliament was able to unite and to adopt legislation that establishes the fundamental foundations of a democratic state,” said Olha Stefanishyna, “Thanks to the coordinated work for the national goal of EU membership, we were able to ensure the functioning of democratic institutions that guarantee the rule of law – we are talking about judicial reform, anti-corruption policies, media market reform, protection of the rights of national minorities, etc”.

She emphasized that the role of the Parliament in the process of European integration is key, as it monitors the progress of the EU accession negotiations and the adaptation of national legislation to the EU acquis (EU law).

Speaking about Ukraine’s negotiating team, Olha Stefanishyna said that despite the established practice of the EU accession negotiations, which provides for the formation of an official delegation of government representatives, the Ukrainian side is preparing a decision that involves representatives of the Parliament.

“The main negotiating delegation will also include the leadership of the Verkhovna Rada to make strategic decisions. We will also involve representatives of the relevant committees in the negotiation process itself,” the official added. “We have started this practice already at the stage of screening legislation, as it is about understanding future obligations.

At the end of her speech, the Deputy Prime Minister warned that it is important that European integration does not become a hostage to political manipulation, so that Ukraine continues to move dynamically and confidently on its way to full membership in the European Union.