All newsAccession of Ukraine to the EU

Вступ України до ЄС
Україна спільно з ЄС закінчили скринінг українського законодавства в межах Кластера 2 «Внутрішній ринок»
Вступ України до ЄС
До Києва прибула команда польських експертів, що посилять українську команду у переговорах з ЄС
Вступ України до ЄС
У Брюсселі розпочалася двостороння зустріч Україна-ЄС щодо зовнішньої та безпекової політики
On February 28, 2022, on the fifth day of the full-scale Russian invasion, Ukraine applied for EU membership. On June 17, the European Commission recommended that the European Council grant Ukraine the status of a candidate country for joining the European Union. And already on June 23, Ukraine received such a status.
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Our path to the EU

Шлях України до ЄС в ілюстраціях, плакатах, арт-творах

Делегації України завершили підготовку до участі у скринінгу за переговорними розділами 6 «Корпоративне право» та 25 «Наука і дослідження»

Ольга Стефанішина взяла участь у засіданні Парламентського комітету асоціації
European Integration
The European integration of Ukraine is the process of rapprochement of Ukraine with the European Union both at the level of laws and customs existing in society. The goal is the accession of Ukraine to the EU.
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Association Agreement
An association agreement is a document that the European Union concludes with a country that is not a member of the EU, but is interested in approaching European norms and standards.
The Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union is the largest international agreement concluded by the EU with a third country in terms of its scope and scope. The agreement entered into force on September 1, 2017. The document became the basis for cooperation between the EU and Ukraine, as well as the transformation of our state
The Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union is the largest international agreement concluded by the EU with a third country in terms of its scope and scope. The agreement entered into force on September 1, 2017. The document became the basis for cooperation between the EU and Ukraine, as well as the transformation of our state
The government information campaign, which talks about 6 basic European values, reveals the practical meaning of European integration and the advantages and opportunities that appear in the lives of Ukrainians thanks to the integration of our country into the EU.

The Pulse of the Agreement
An information and analytical system for monitoring the progress of the implementation of the Association Agreement on an ongoing basis.
It allows in real time to monitor the progress of tasks in 24 spheres of public life, which are covered by the Association Agreement, and shows who is responsible for the execution of each task at a specific moment.
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It allows in real time to monitor the progress of tasks in 24 spheres of public life, which are covered by the Association Agreement, and shows who is responsible for the execution of each task at a specific moment.