assist the Association Council in performance of its duties.
consists of officials from the highest level of the Parties who are responsible for trade and the trade-related matters.
According to article 465(4) of the Agreement, the Association Committee in Trade configuration deals with matters related to Section IV “Trade and trade-related matters” of the Agreement. It assists the Association Council in the performance of its duties and functions and performs the tasks stipulated by the Agreement and assigned to it by the Association Council:
The Association Committee in Trade configuration meets at least once a year and when circumstances so require. The parties preside over the Committee alternately for a period of 12 months. The first term of the chairmanship begins on the day of the first meeting of the Committee and ends on 31 December of the same year.
The official from the European Commission and the official responsible for trade and trade-related matters act together as Secretaries of the Association Committee in Trade configuration. The Secretariat of the Association Committee forms the provisional agenda for each meeting of the Committee, as well as working conclusions on the basis of proposals submitted by the Parties.
The draft minutes of each meeting of the Association Committee shall be drawn up jointly by the Secretaries of the Committee. The Committee endorses the draft minutes at its next meeting.
The draft working conclusions of each meeting are drawn up by the Secretary of the Committee of the presiding Party and are sent to the Parties together with the agenda, usually not later than 15 calendar days before the meeting. Once agreed, the working conclusions are attached to the minutes and the status of their implementation is reviewed at any next meeting of the Committee. To this end, the Committee shall draw up a matrix in which the implementation of each activity is monitored according to a specific time frame.