European Integration
EI is the rapprochement of Ukraine with the European Union both at the level of laws and customs existing in society. Its ultimate result should be accession of Ukraine to the EU.
Таймлайн: Шлях України до ЄС
Manual on EU acquis translation into Ukrainian
Словник перемовин про вступ до ЄС
Fundamentals of the European integration
Institutional mechanism of the European Integration

Manual on EU acquis translation into Ukrainian
Manual on EU acquis translation into Ukrainian
This is a comprehensive bilingual guide to the translation of EU legislation (the EU acquis).
It was created within the framework of the EU Association4U project by translation experts from EU countries in cooperation with four Ukrainian universities.
The manual covers fundamental principles of the EU law, terminology, EU legal English and provides an overview of the challenges and approaches to translating the EU acquis into Ukrainian.
The manual is not an official or binding instruction, but is intended to assist in the accurate translation of EU legislation and terminology into Ukrainian, which is one of the prerequisites for Ukraine’s successful integration into the EU.