EU Law
All legal acts of the European Union are aimed at achieving the objectives of the EU.

(b) in association with a word or words to designate the type, grade, origin and/or intended use of such milk or to describe the physical treatment or the modification in composition to which it has been subjected, provided that the modification is restricted to an addition and/or withdrawal of natural milk constituents">Milk means exclusively the normal mammary secretion obtained from one or more milkings without either addition thereto or extraction therefrom.
However, the term "milk" may be used:
(a) for milk treated without altering its composition or for milk the fat content of which is standardised under Part IV;
(b) in association with a word or words to designate the type, grade, origin and/or intended use of such milk or to describe the physical treatment or the modification in composition to which it has been subjected, provided that the modification is restricted to an addition and/or withdrawal of natural milk constituents