EU law compliance check and tables of compliance was developed within the framework of the EU Project Support to the implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement (Association4U), in cooperation with the Government Office for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration and the Support Group for Ukraine of the European Commission.

The purpose of this methodology is to help the Ukrainian public officers to develop legislative acts compliant with the EU legislation,  to create and use tables of compliance, as well as verifiy such compliance.

In particular, this methodology will be useful for government officials charged with ensuring compliance of draft legislative acts with EU legislation and determining the degree of their compliance with the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU and, in a broader sense, with the legislation of the European Union.

It begins with an examination of the fundamental principles, that is, the purposes and means of approximation of the law (Section 2).

The following sections are presented in a way that is consistent with the logical sequence of steps that are performed during the compliance check.

Section 3 introduces the reader to the current requirements for compliance with EU law.

Section 4 provides instructions on how to prepare and conduct a compliance check.

The Annex to this methodology contains three procedures for the approximation of legislation, specifically designed for those who are involved in planning the approximation of legislation, drafting of national legislation, and verification of compliance.

This methodology complements the Guidance on approximation of legislation. Both documents complement each other and should be considered as a package.

The proposed methodology does not solve the problems that may be faced by civil officials, but rather gives the necessary tools to help them in their daily work.

You can download the methodology by following these links