Ukraine and the Netherlands to develop intergovernmental dialogue in the context of Ukraine’s accession to the EU

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Ukraine and the Netherlands are launching an intergovernmental dialogue on Ukraine’s integration into the European Union. The proposal was discussed during a meeting between Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine Olha Stefanishyna and the new Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands Caspar Veldkamp on July 6 in Kyiv.

The Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs noted that his country supports Ukraine on its path to membership in the European Union and is ready to provide comprehensive assistance. The official noted that his country already has a successful experience of cooperation in the field of European integration with the countries of previous waves of EU enlargement, and seeks to continue this practice with Ukraine.

“Ukraine is now at the beginning of the EU accession process, and we can only imagine the amount of work that lies ahead. I am very grateful to the Netherlands and to you personally for the offer to walk this path with us. One important thing that we have learned about ourselves through the entire previous European integration process is that Ukraine is a loyal, reliable partner. We are in this process together, and we want it to work not only for Ukraine, but for all the enlargement countries and the EU. I am therefore very proud that your government has decided to focus on helping Ukraine with its accession process. I am confident that this will be a positive cooperation,” the Deputy Prime Minister emphasized. 

Among the priority issues of the dialogue are the rule of law, public administration reform, and fundamental rights. The Deputy Prime Minister thanked for the special training held in late July for representatives of government agencies responsible for developing a roadmap on the rule of law.

Olha Stefanishyna noted that members of the Ukrainian delegation are actively preparing for the next stage of screening Ukrainian legislation for compliance with EU law and have already held a number of trainings and simulation sessions of bilateral meetings.

“It is really important that Ukraine’s movement towards membership remains fast. We are building our own capacities and expertise, and we are glad to have powerful partners to help us on this path,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.

The participants of the meeting also discussed the decisions being prepared for the NATO Summit in Washington to strengthen Ukraine’s defense capabilities. The Deputy Prime Minister thanked the Netherlands for its powerful military assistance and leadership in mobilizing international efforts.

Caspar Veldkamp assured of the Netherlands’ continued support for Ukraine amid Russia’s ongoing full-scale war.