
  • 01/

    Motor transport

    Draft Law of Ukraine “On the harmonizing of Ukraine’s legislation in the sphere of motor transport with the EU acts” was discussed in the certain Verkhovna Rada Committees.

    Draft act on the amendments to the Government of Ukraine Resolution of 02.12.2015 “On the approval of the License conditions for conducting of the business activities for the transportation of passengers, dangerous goods and hazardous waste by motor transport

    The Cabinet of Ministers Resolution of 01.07.2016 “On the approval of the Procedure of assignment, refusal in assignment and annulment of assignment of the body responsible for sertification of individual approval of wheeled vehicles, consignment of parts and facilities” was adopted for implementation of the EU Directive.

    Government of Ukraine draft Resolution “On the amendments to the Procedure of the realization of passengers transportation on the bus routes of common use competition” was developed for implementation of the EU Regulation.

  • 02/

    Railway transport

    With a view to accomplish the Government Action Plan and the plans for the implementation of the EU Directives, Ministry of Infrastructure developed redraft Law of Ukraine “On railway transport”.

    Government of Ukraine draft Resolution “On the creation of State Railway Transport Service of Ukraine” was developed.

    Ministry of Infrastructure Order of 15.03.2016 “On the approval of the amendments to the Rules of passengers, luggage, cargo-luggage and mail transportation by the railway transport of Ukraine” was issued.

  • 03/

    Maritime transport

    The process of joining to the International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems on Ships was finished 21.04.2017.

    Ministry of Infrastructure issued Order of 29.03.2017 “On the formation of the working group on preparation to the obligatory audit of the International Maritime Organization”. It approved the composition of the working group and the relevant subgroups.

    The draft Order of Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine “On approval of the Regulation on the “Maritime Single Window” Informational System and the appointment of the national segment of the SafeSeaNet system” was elaborated.

  • 04/

    Inland waterways

    Draft Law of Ukraine “On inland water transport”

  • 05/

    Transport safety

    In order to implement the Directive draft Law “On the amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine on harmonizing them with the European Union legislation in the field of the dangerous goods transportation” was registered.

    Law of Ukraine “On accession to Protocol on Amendments to the Clause a) of Part One of Article 1 and to Part One and Clause b) of Part Three of Article 14 of the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR)” of 19 January 2017 was adopted.

    Order of Ministry of Infrastructure of 04 April 2017 “On approval of the Rules for the transportation of dangerous goods by inland waterways of Ukraine” was issued.

    In order to implement EU Directive Transport Safety State Service of Ukraine developed draft Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine “On approval of Procedure for technical investigation of disasters, craches, road traffic incidents, accidents in railway transport”.

    Draft Law “On amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On motor roads” concerning the audit of the motor road safety was developed with the participation of the experts of the European Investment Bank Technical Assistance Project.

  • 06/

    Transport policy

    In order to approximate Ukraine’s legislation to the EU law the draft Order of the Government of Ukraine “On approval of the Concept of the State Target Program of Development of National (Priority) Transport Network of Ukraine for the period 2016-2016” was developed.

    Draft Law of Ukraine “On multimodal transportation” is under development.

  • 07/

    Postal communications

    Ministry of Infrastructure together with Ukrposhta developed a draft Law of Ukraine “On amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On postal communications”.

    Draft Roadmap for the approximation of the national legislation to the EU legislation in the field of postal and courier services was developed.

  • 08/


    In order to fulfil the commitments within the framework of Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU and initial Agreement on Common Aviation Area the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted the Resolution of 8 February 2017 “On approval of the Preparatory Action Plan to the Implementation of the Common Aviation Area between Ukraine and the European Union and its member states”.